Daniel Craig returns as Ian Fleming's James Bond in the 24th installment of the film franchise, Spectre, and Sam Mendes returns to cram gravitas and glimpses into Bond's tragic past to drive the action. This week, the guys discuss the new picture with special guest host and life-long Bond fanatic Dan Pavlovich.
Listen to this episode to hear the guys discuss:
What they liked:
- Daniel Craig's continued dominance as Bond
- One of the franchise's best cold open action scenes and best henchmen
- Many of the franchise's best-liked tropes
What they did not like:
- A mostly pointless MI-6 subplot derailing the third act
- Most everything to do with Leya Seydoux
- Some of the franchises lesser-liked tropes
For most people, a new Bond film is either a big deal or it isn't. For these guys it is a huge deal. Check out the episode to find out if you agree, disagree, or disapprove of the clearly disproportionate amount of time they have devoted to James Bond films.